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Something is Being Birthed

by | Jan 18, 2012 | Archived Material, January 2012

I am now officially off the road for a while.   Not to belabor any personal issues but after my/our family loss (which I’m sure many of you are aware of…and I appreciate all the emails and condolences that were sent in); I/we knew “it was coming” and that things would be very tentative with my dad.  His health has been bad for years with triple-bypass surgery 12 years ago, then surgery to put in a pacemaker and defib-unit 3 years ago, knee replacement last June..etc…and with the loss he went through just months ago; we (my family) was just informed that he can no longer be left alone.

Last night; based on a recommendation from a new member, I watched a documentary at 1 (am). It had an old black-and-white movie clip in it.  The conversation was very quick and simple in the clip and went something like this: “When you have nothing to live for, life isn’t worth living.”  The second character asked “well what if you do have something to live for”; and the answer was “well that’s an entirely different matter”.   Obviously on MATRIX SOLUTIONS; we hold nothing back in “our” belief about what is coming.  In this case and in the same position, if it were me I would not want to see “what’s coming”.

So, we (the family) know that it’s only a matter of time; but we’ve had to have meetings to discuss options for final care.  I had said in the conference call on Sunday night that this blog would be up on Monday, but I had not seen my dad since I came home from Baltimore on Saturday.  Upon seeing him and trying to talk with him on Monday, I knew that he (also) has had a “mini” stroke and therefore, I got delayed on this.

When someone knows that their time “has come” or is short then needless suffering or lingering is more of the challenge than anything else….and we all; most every family and every life on this planet go through this.  I am fine and so is he.  It’s just a little time consuming and distracting from the real work at hand.  Nuff said and please…this time; no condolences; because the focus is Self-Determination and Solutions for what is “really” coming or as Gary said in this audio “something is being birthed”.

This blog is about the current United States and global events.  If it’s happening in the U.S. it is global and if you don’t think so then check out the map from the CLUB OF ROME.   I first saw this map in 1997.

Ok…the audio/video is 5 parts and 1:07 in length.    And, there’s a bonus.

All the best,

David Williams

10 Super Nations: The Club of Rome in its September 17, 1973, report, Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System presented a model of this very system. The Club of Rome is an organization composed of scientists, industrialists, and international government officials who plan world government strategy and send reports to the wealthy “power elite” for implementation. (Information regarding the Club of Rome can be easily accessed at their website,


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Bonus Video




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